And my marathon training comes to a screeching halt. I had to do 26km today but I couldn’t even complete 20; starting from km 17 pain in my leg increased and my shin and left knee just hurt too much. So two weeks break and since it’s not a race but just for me I pushed the date 3 weeks back #running
Ich hab mir gerade YouTube Shorts angesehen und zweimal gab es Wahlwerbung. Erst BSW, dann AfD. 🤮
Next step: Schwarz-blaue Koalition
Wer CDU wählt, wählt AfD.
Cool, I think I did it. Even in my easy and long runs my cadence is between 170 and 180. Nice! #running
Ich kann nur ein einziges Sportevent bei meiner Krankenkasse für das Bonusprogramm einreichen?
YouTube hat mir gerade ein transfeindliches Video vorgeschlagen - es war markiert als Sponsored. 🤮
Ich hab draufgeklickt, weil ich mir unsicher war, ob es Satire ist (und was das Sponsored soll). Die Person schien das ernst zu meinen von den paar Sekunden, die ich mir das angesehen habe.
My first ever 200km-month 🎉 #running
Whatever I do in my work as a #sysadmin be it writing yaml for Ansible or Salt or programming, I always go back to #vim (or nowadays #neovim) on my local machine. I don’t even know why it feels so annoying to switch between a a non-cli editor like VS Codium, Pycharm, etc, even emacs and my terminal.
Spotifys interface feels very cluttered 😳
My reference is Apple Music.
My son is watching „Terminator 2“ for the first time. He can‘t take his eyes from the screen.
Tomorrow I will try bananas and raisins instead of energy gels on my long run. #running
On Tuesday I hope I will start with a new treatment (I will try Vumerity). I hope it won’t interfere with my #running-training. 😕 #ms
The year started with #running like last year ended - with VO2Max-training units. Yesterday 8x2x400m (plus warm up and cool down) and today 2x5x400+400 slow (plus warmup up and cool down). My legs are noticing it…Next units are an easy and a long run (only 22km - it will get longer the next weeks).
Die Heimfahrt läuft gut. ICE fällt aus und im neuen Zug kann ich keine Sitzplätze mehr für die Familie reservieren. #38c3
TIL: Der #38C3 hat eine Wäscherei #waschkatzen
My year in #running. There will be two runs added until the end of the year. I improved massively this year. Next year there will be a marathon I run outside of a race, the Berlin Marathon and probably my the S25 and the Nikolauslauf in Berlin. I am not sure yet about races with a shorter distance.
I lay today awoke for more than an hour thinking about which new therapy to choose after giving up Copaxone (Rebif or Vumerity). It is such a hard choice because I have no real idea how it will impact my quality of life and my running training. #ms
Meh…I had to cancel my last D&D-session of the year ☹️ #rpg
In my DnD-sessions today and next month there will be some warforged coming up. Is there a free (or low cost) voice changer-app for macOS available that I could use together with Zoom when I speak for them? #macos #rpg #audio
I have for my private computing purposes a Mac again. And even though I like #Linux and think that using Open Source is actually the better “ethical” choice in terms of computers, I have to say that using #macOS just feels like “Home”. And so I switched back.
Pro advice for working in data centers: bone conducting headphones still work when you have ear plugs in your ears. But ANC-headphones are great, too. #sysadmin
Yesterday I worked all day long with some UltraSparcs running SunOS 5.6. My only access was with via serial cable and for some reason Backspace/CTRL-H only worked in some sessions. Editing of files only via sed. Or booting from CD…Single Speed.
Not everything was better in the past.
#sysadmin #unix
I’m training for a marathon at the end of March with an app-made plan.
Total distance by then: 733km 😳
One week off for 38C3 (34km less than the 733km), but the plan doesn’t include my weekly running club sessions. #running
I like the medal of the run from today #running
26.8km-Race finished but wasn’t as fast as I wanted to be. I placed ok-ish though. And now my legs and feet are still hurting #running