Dreimal Werbung in 30 Minuten beim Stimmenfang-Podcast…puh…
On Sunday a new D&D-campaign starts and I am playing a wizard. Let’s see how that works out. It is also the first time that I used the character sheet on Roll20. Beyond spoiled me so much.
I think I just use Beyond20 or roll in Dice by PCalc.
Mastodon-Gatekeeping 101: crossposters are evil and let them know it!
🤦♂️ Btw I write on micro.blog and just crosspost from there to mastodon and Twitter. I think you can follow me even there directly from mastodon instead of on mastodon.social.
Tbh I don’t like the E.M.M.I.-scenes in Metroid Dread…
„Skip Intro“ on a Simpsons-episode should jump to the couch-joke not to the TV after it.
Gitea is forming a DOA… this damn crypto-crap… Open source sustainment and the future of Gitea - Blog
Sometimes I think back to the moment when I saw for the first time an iPod Touch (they were earlier available in Germany as the iPhone). Swiping that cover flow just felt like the future. I don’t think I ever had the same feeling about any piece of technology ever again.
It is 2022 and people still argue what operating system is better… How about just using the system you are happy with and try not to convince others why the thing you are using is better than what they are using?
- People still argue what operating system is better…
How about just using the system you are happy with and try not to convince others why the thing you are using is better than what they are using?
why should sysctls be in the documentation of systemd? sysctls are a kernel thing.
The one thing I cannot figure out is where sysctls for Linux are documented.
The latest article by Cory Doctorow which let’s me doubt modern technology and that I should use more open source-technologies:
I shouldn’t read @doctorow so much. Then I want to use Linux and phones with something like LineageOS.
To those who already using macOS Ventura in beta. Do you use Stage Manager? For what?
Watching videos it seems that it reduces screen real estate and I have no idea why I should use it over just cmd+tab.
I haven’t used it yet, that’s why I am asking.
Why am I looking at orgmode again? And yes it can do all the things I want until I look in the direction of iOS where it gets more complicated (even though beorg and plainorg are fine apps).
Is it just me or did the search in iOS 16 got really bad?
Wenn man im AppStore nach HyMo sucht, bekommt man romeo und grindr angeboten. Die Entwickler sollten nochmal am Namen drehen…
Ab Dezember hab ich kein BVG-Ticket mehr, weil mir Corona gezeigt hat, dass ich fast alles mit dem Fahrrad machen kann. Und jetzt so selten U- und S-Bahn fahre, dass selbst das 49€-Ticket zu teuer wäre…
I am trying to “get” reverse polish notation but when I have an expression with multiplications, divisions, additions, subtractions, parentheses and exponents I have to jump all the time in my head when I have to input an operand and when a value. Am I doing something wrong?
I read my eBooks mainly on my iPhone in the Kindle-app because there are times where I like to use a Kindle. Is there any solution out there which allows me the same but self-hosted? Read an ebook on different devices (incl eInk) and sync my reading progress/highlights/notes?
That season finale of She-Hulk was awesome!
Die Pfandsummen bei Brodowin sind schon jedes Mal der Hammer. Bestellungsbetrag von etwas über 60€ und 50€ Pfand für Kisten und Deckel.
Derry Girls Season 3 was great again.
But that really felt like the end of the series with the Good Friday referendum at the end.
Cobra Kai Season 5 is like a bad sports manga tbh…but it is entertaining.
Need to draw things like diagrams in ASCII on a Mac? Use Monodraw. It is pretty cool and not that expensive.