I love these Seinfeld-videos which are undertitled with IT-things
Also diese Deo-Sticks in Pappverpackung sind Mist im Handling.
Was gibt es denn sonst noch in der Richtung in Sachen müllarm, wenn man sich sein Deo nicht gerade selber machen will?
Die Sendungsverfolgung ist bei DHL gerade ganz kaputt
Es ist 10 Uhr. Und ich hab jetzt schon so gar keine Lust mehr.
Warum bin ich aufgestanden?
What do you think? First post is just the stuff I posted today already here.
#shadowrun #blog
I am thinking to start a blog for #Shadowrun-things. Do I use WordPress, Ghost or some static site generator? 🤔
Another tip for #Shadowrun-GMs: build characters just for the sake of building them (with a bit of background like always)
- you get to know the rules better
- you might see problems players might try to abuse
- you get loads of well built NPCs you can use in your world
Since people do not seem to know: great tools for #Shadowrun-GMs
- Google Maps for satellite photos of target destinations (works best when you play where you not live)
- generated.photos for NPC-pics
- google “$building_type floor plan” for real maps
I thin k I have an idea why in #Shadowrun 6 all Fake SINs have the same availability. Max gear rating on chargen is 6. If they did the standard rtg*2-thing, players could only get rtg 3-fake SINs. Well…house rule it is. Fake SINs get an availability of rtg+2 in my games.
One thing that I really don’t like in #Shadowrun 6, and don’t ask me why it is important to me because I don’t know it, is that fake SINs have all the same availability unlike in previous editions. So characters can start out with level 6-fake SINs. I wonder why this changed.
The #Shadowrun 6-test run went well. The rules are fine and work quite well. Combat is deadlier, Edge is neat. But people should definitely use tokens for their edge and might even need to use tokens for their minor actions. I have to say that I like it :)
So generated.photos is pretty awesome when you need some pictures for NPCs for a modern game. #ttrpg
My toe is not broken. 🥳 There will only be pain for a couple of weeks 😞
Yeah. I might have broken my toe yesterday in the jump hall ☹️
Thunderstorm right above us. Unplugged all the things…
Ich mach einen Shadowrun 6-Regeltest Mittwoch Abend. Wenn jemand Interesse hat:
Hier entlang: sonntagshelden.de/forum/thr…
I was in a jump hall with my kids. I am old…
Ich überleg wegen Kosten und Müllvermeidung vom Systemrasierer auf Rasierhobel zu wechseln. Ich hab aber Sorge, dass ich mich dann dauernd schneide.
Wie schwer ist das denn und wie lange dauert es, bis man sich mit sowas sicher rasiert?
How the hell did I ever create pre-generated characters in Shadowrun? Just typing also all the additional info would be so much work.
I’d like to do a test-run (pun intended) of the rules and for that I’d need pre-gens for the players…
I wanted to try the plant-based whopper out of curiosity. And it is not vegan…
Well. Then I don’t have to cheat on my diet and can eat a better burger next time.
Dear OSM-navigation-app-developers, please add a) more than one route to my destination; give me choice b) a choice to reduce the number of turns c) a way to select: “no left turns” (that would be a unique feature which I’ve never seen in a navigation app)
Any recommendations for an OpenStreetMap-navigation app? I walk, use my bike and/or public transport (Berlin).
Do OSM-navigation apps even incorporate public transport in navigation?
Follow up to my last post regarding #Shadowrun: Deckers could still hack the commlink of a runner to get access to the data on it or the data the runner shares with their group through their commlink like audio and visuals (or change communications through them etc).
I think I just solved the “Wireless bonus”-problem of gear in #Shadowrun for me which bothers me since 4th edition. The gear just gets this bonus and is not connected to the matrix. Most of the bonuses were in 1e-3e anyway part of the gear. This nerfs hackers a bit, but well…
DnD Beyond spoiled me…