Kaffee gemischt mit Koawach zur Hilfe.
Ich werde alt. Bis spät Systeme zu updaten und dann morgens um 5 von Katzen und Monitoring geweckt zu werden, zerrt an den Kräften.
Ich kann das Vorgehen mit Maske und Tests in Berliner Schulen nur damit erklären, dass es in Berliner Schulen “antivirals Luft” gibt. Vielleicht macht das Asbest in den Wänden das oder so.
Laut Tagesspiegel Checkpoint sagt der Senat den Schülern: kommt alle in die Schule, auch wenn ihr krank seid, tragt keine Maske, wenn ihr keine Lust habt. Wenn der Test positiv ist,wissen wir dann ja wie viele voraussichtlich noch ausfallen werden,die bleiben bis sie positiv sind
Any recommendations for a self-hosted doodle-alternative? I just need “dates”, and “yes, no, maybe”.
I’d like to be able to have a poll where participants do not need to log in but just need a link to find a certain poll.
Did Doodle get a lot worse because they are trying now to focus on businesses? It seems I can’t create an event anymore where I as an organizer can set dates but be unavailable on those dates myself (or have it on “If need be”).
TIL: Backup-cronjobs shouldn’t run between 2 and 3 am. In March they don’t run one night at all and in October they run in one night twice.
Even though tonight’s Mutants and Masterminds-session stuttered a bit, it was fun. The heroes defeated the super villain and the first number found an end.
Green Ronin has in Mutants and Masterminds a black supervillain whose name is „Nega-Watt“ (from negative since he can nullify electricity). Even in English I cannot think of a PC-version of the names pronounciation.
Ich suche für mein Team an Linux-Sysadmins Verstärkung (BSD wird derzeit auch an einigen Stellen genutzt). Muss nichts senioriges sein. Remote ist möglich. Bei Fragen gern PM.
I am getting soon an M1-Mac. Apparently VirtualBox does not work on those machines.
What are my options besides Parallels and VMware Fusion? I need it to run Linux-VMs for VirtManager or setting up simple test-setups with interconnected machines to test HA-setups for example.
Installed Goodreads, rated books. First recommendation: Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard.
Maybe I should uninstall it again…
Also wenn am 1. April in Berlin die Schutzmaßnahmen fallen, fallen auch die kostenlosen Tests weg. Weil wenn es keine Schutzmaßnahmen mehr gibt, infiziert sich ja auch keiner mehr. Oder wie ist da die Logik?
Why isn’t ゆず yet on Apple Music Germany :(
The Fortis-theme by Chris Hannah from Micro.blog looks awesome. I love the colors - niels.kobschaetzki.net
MySQL is great. You do an upgrade to try to fix one problem - it doesn’t but after the upgrade you run into a new one.
Downgrades are not supported of course and will break the database.
I think more and more turning to magic as a potential career-path. 🤬
The bane of having played too many TTRPGs: I am reading an urban fantasy-novel and I am thinking: how could the magic be put into rules, would it make an interesting setting?
Better than the time when I was really into the WoD and each movie-character got put into a clan…
The Zettelkasten-method seems to be useful for research-notes but I don’t see how I should file my technical notes (how do I speak imap manually for example) with it
On iOS there is PlainOrg and BeOrg as apps for OrgMode. Both are quite nice but more focused on the todo-side of OrgMode. Is there an app that is more on the notes-site of OrgMode and even has a web clipper maybe (that is hopefully as nice as the one from Bear).
You still can’t use Notion offline? When I am offline I might need my notes the most urgent…
My kids and their friend play a tabletop RPG which they just call “Question” (or Sci-Fi Question). They just talked about what the characters can do, the GM start telling the story in short bits and always ends with “What do you do?”
Rather interesting to watch. No dice.
TIL: If you never looked at the About-screen of PCalc or Dice by PCalc, you are missing out.
So Russia recognizes Taiwan now. That’s an interesting turn of events.
“Diener des Volkes” ist überraschend gut.
In the Super Nintendo- and NES-apps from Nintendo Online on the Switch they released Mother 1 as „Earthbound Beginnings“ and Earthbound (Mother 2).