• 🎉 btrfs saved me after an upgrade resulted in an unbootable system

    Saturday April 8, 2023
  • Yeah, I found a decent #markdown-app for #iOS that works together with Working Copy: Taio

    Now using nb on my #Linux- and #Mac-machines got a lot more useful.

    I have automations for automatically pulling, commit/push and that makes sync via #git a breeze.

    Friday April 7, 2023
  • The time has come. The children begin to understand enough English that my wife and I have to switch to Japanese when they shouldn’t understand something. 😬

    Tuesday April 4, 2023
  • How can it be that I did yesterday noon an upper body strength workout and get today evening I feel stiff and aching around my shoulders? Shouldn’t that be closer together time wise?

    Monday April 3, 2023
  • I tried to let ChatGPT help me with a tool idea I have (organizing magic tricks in videos and books I have).

    What it created is a beginning but full of bugs and inconsistent. For example it created a database schema and then uses the wrong column names for some things.

    Monday April 3, 2023
  • The Dungeons & Dragons-movie was fun 😄

    Saturday April 1, 2023
  • Today I was asked in the train if I do some magic because some youth saw me playing around with cards. I showed some tricks, some other people entered the train and asked: “Oh a magician? Can you show me, too? Is that one from the internet?”

    Sunday March 26, 2023
  • The honest trailer of Metroid Prime Remastered was quite interesting. Maybe I shouldn’t get it after all because I didn’t play it back in the day.

    Sunday March 19, 2023
  • ChatGPT doesn’t know me.

    Thursday March 16, 2023
  • I don’t understand why people use terminal emulators with split panes and tabs and not just tmux. I only see advantages (terminal emulator-independent, survives gui-crashes, you can attach from remote, scriptable, etc).

    Are there any disadvantages? #linux #cli #macos

    Thursday March 16, 2023
  • I wanted to try a todo-app after some years again because merge-conflicts in my org-files got annoying again.

    First reminders do not work and then it crashes each time when I try to turn a task into a project.

    Thursday March 16, 2023
  • Today I found nb. A nifty shell-script for note-taking in markdown. But it can also grab and convert websites and add them as notes.

    But with a server and Shellfish for iOS I created a shortcut that adds websites from Safari.

    And I have the notes on my phone thanks to Working Copy.

    Wednesday March 15, 2023
  • TIL: there is an app like Dash (macOS) but for #Linux


    I use Dash nearly every day and Zeal makes a pretty good impression so far. It downloads documentation in the form of docsets and makes it easily searchable offline.

    Tuesday March 14, 2023
  • Everybody jokes about being hard to quit but have you ever tried to exit joe with saving?

    Monday March 6, 2023
  • Watching some magic today

    Sunday March 5, 2023
  • Nur noch schlimmer wĂ€re glaub ich CDU/FDP (und noch schlimmer wenn sie mit undemokratischen Parteien zusammengehen wĂŒrden).

    Aber Schwarz/Rot
oh je Berlin.

    Thursday March 2, 2023
  • Ranga Yogeshwar ist in der neuesten Folge von Last Week Tonight zu sehen.

    Monday February 27, 2023
  • Die drei ??? und das Erbe des Drachen war deutlich besser als erwartet. Das war kein schlechter Fall. Auch wenn ich Peters Vater in dem Film nicht mochte.

    Saturday February 25, 2023
  • Das ANOHA hat eine Sicherheitsschleuse beim Ausgang.

    Beim Eingang versteh ich das ja, aber wofĂŒr beim Ausgang?

    Tuesday February 21, 2023
  • Potential breakfast found

    Sunday February 19, 2023
  • In our last session we found out that you can sign up to DnD Beyond only with a google- or an Apple-account. That kind of sucks.

    Well, two players are now sharing one Google-account that they only created for Beyond
 #rpg #dndbeyond

    Sunday February 19, 2023
  • Practicing with Vernet multiplying balls is kind of painful
 #magic #manipulation

    Thursday February 16, 2023
  • Brrr
 kopfschĂŒttel #berlin #agh #wahl

    Sunday February 12, 2023
  • Wenn ihr eine sehr schöne magische Show in Berlin sehen wollt, kann ich euch die von Ben Blu wĂ€rmstens empfehlen.


    Sunday February 12, 2023
  • GewĂ€hlt ✔ #berlin #agh #wahlen

    Sunday February 12, 2023