I am reading currently Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjektiv-Brenyah. It is a great bookk, hard to put away, it sucks you in more and more. But is so depressing and it gets more depressing the further you read.
I can imagine that it would make a great movie but it might loose its message.
OH: „Hä? Der Ägypter hieß doch Sokratext!“
Stadionführung #1fcunion
Es gibt zwar erst zwei Folgen, aber die sind super. Hört euch “Systemeinstellungen – wenn der Staat bei dir einbricht” von Netzpolitik.org an.
netzpolitik.org/systemein… #podcast
I really try to like #kmail, but this mail application has always some problems. Right now I want to get my inbox empty. I delete a bunch of mails and a few seconds later, they are back in the inbox and then they can´t be removed at all. #kde #linux
25km-race is done. I was faster than my target pace and improved my half marathon PR by more than 10 minutes. 🎉 #running
The podcast Search Engine has a great episode about the effectiveness of Trigger Warnings:
On Sunday is my next race day. 25km.
My longest distance yet. I did once a half marathon and nearly a second one (20km) during training. Recently I had a cold, so I couldn’t train for 3 weeks. The last 2 weeks training was quite hard and I hope I can finish the run before the cut-off time… #running
The tomcat chills #catsofmastodon
I just tested Foundry with the DnD Beyond-importer. This is awesome!
Even bringing back changes of characters to Beyond seems to work.
It works great and it is so much better than Roll20 (and the VTT-stuff in Beyond). #ttrpg #dnd
What did I do wrong? Why do my kids really want to run Windows on their computers? #sigh
I will start soon a DnD-campaign and I wonder if the maps- and encounter tool are already enoughgh to replace a VTT like Roll20/Foundry. Then it would be enough that I bought a book on Beyond and don’t need to buy it on Roll20 as well (or learn how to make it work/import (in)to Foundry) #ttrpg #dnd
The one thing you notice when you play on an old console like the SNES: no loading times!
Switch it on and let’s go. And everything still works. My SNES is now more than 30 years old.
Playing good old games with the kid
I finished “The Bezzle” by Cory Doctorow.
The start was a bit slow and I didn’t know where it wanted to go, and then came the end a bit too fast and I don’t understand why one character didn’t act a bit differently.
But it was a good book and I couldn’t put it away until finished. 4/5 I’d say.
Kids birthday party with 9 children (10 year olds). I think I need a week vacation after today…
I find the term “enshittification” good but its evolution to use it for everything that is not good or became crap over time and its over-use is annoying.
Just because things become crap, they are not a victim of enshittification.
I finally read Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan. It was highly recommended and it is really good.
Noir and cyberpunky. Even if you have seen the Netflix-series I can recommend to read it. Can’t wait to read the other two books with Takeshi Kovacs. But first “The Bezzle” by Cory Doctorow.
I registered for my next race. I think it helps me keep #running That way I have deadlines when I want to reach a certain time and have a target to train for. The next one is 25km in May (actually there is a 5.5km a couple of days before which is more a fun event) and then a 10.5km in September.
Also Nenenkostenprivileg - ich nutze meinen Kanelanschluss nur für‘s Internet, weil Glasfaser bei gleicher Leistung (abgesehen vom schnelleren Upload) teurer ist. Mir ist immer noch nicht klar, ob die Abschaffung des Nebenkostenprivilegs jetzt Auswirkungen auf mich hat oder nicht.
Ich hab gerade festgestellt, dass mein Kabelinternetvertrag bald ausläuft. Normalerweise würde ich kündigen und über die Rückgewinnung auf was günstigeres hoffen. Aber bei Vodafone gibt es nur einen neuen Tarif, der deutlich teurer ist /o\
Und dann noch die Sache mit dem Nebenkostenprivileg…
I am thinking about switching to #NixOS from EndeavourOS (Arch). Where should I I start?
Where can I read about best practices?
I read that flakes aren’t actually that important on a laptop but I should use home-manager. Can I also use different WMs/DEs with home-manager?
Mir wurde als #Shadowrun-Roman „Marlene lebt“ empfohlen. Ich habe schon eine ganze Menge Romane aus der Welt gelesen und das ist einer der schlechteren. Es ist eine ganz schöne Qual durch das Buch zu kommen…
Ich habe Captain Future-DVDs in der Bibliothek gefunden 🤩
Da sagt einer beim Podcast zu einem Rezept, dass er gerne viel Knoblauch reinmacht - „so 2, 3 Zehen“
Seine und meine Definition von viel Knoblauch gehen weit auseinander.