• Gerade habe ich einen schönen Aufkleber gesehen: Lebe so, dass die AfD was dagegen hätte


    Sunday September 10, 2023
  • Day 31 of #RPGaDay

    I forgot to post yesterday.

    Favorite RPG of all time: Shadowrun!

    I don’t care about the edition. The world is awesome and I love the dice pools (big trolls == big dice pools) and you have a reason why strangers run together. Sometimes I don’t like the crunchiness.

    I ❤️ #Shadowrun

    Friday September 1, 2023
  • Day 30 of #RPGaDay

    Obscure RPG you played: Plüsch, Power and Plunder

    You bring your character to the table (a stuffed toy); you play how it comes to life. In the session I played plastic toys enslaved teddy bears and we had to fight the BBEGs: action figures of Gandalf, Sauron and a plastic unicorn…

    Thursday August 31, 2023
  • Day 29 of #RPGaDay

    Most memorable encounter: a session of Shadowrun. A plan to do something in a gang HQ. First runner sneaks into the HQ, second character critically glitches his roll, activates the alarm. Big shootout ensues, the headquarter didn’t exist anymore after that. Best laid plans…

    Wednesday August 30, 2023
  • Day 29 of #RPGaDay:

    Most memorable encounter:

    The one were we played DnD with higher level characters and the game master designed an encounter with skeletons - scaled to our level. So we fought like a hundred or two hundred skeletons. Took a while and was more fun than expected.

    Tuesday August 29, 2023
  • Day 28 of #RPGaDay

    Scariest game you played:

    That was a session of a self-designed game from a game master at a convention set in a Ravenloft-style setting.

    We were in a neon-lit crafts room but the GM was so good that it was still very scary. One of the best sessions I was ever part of.

    Monday August 28, 2023
  • Day 27 of #RPGaDay

    Game you’d like a new edition of:

    A new edition of “Mutant Chronicles” would be neat. New full-colored books, more modern mechanics but leave the character creation more or less alone. I had so much fun generating characters together with friends because of the life-path system.

    Sunday August 27, 2023
  • Day 26 of #RPGaDay

    Favorite Character Sheet: I really like the character sheets of the World of Darkness (Vampire, Werewolf etc). 1 page, all information you need, styled for the game.

    Saturday August 26, 2023
  • I hate glueing together tabletop minis. Warhammer 40k-minis are even worse than Star Wars-Minis (except those battle droids maybe).

    And all for the kids…

    Friday August 25, 2023
  • Day 25 of #RPGaDay

    Unplayed RPG you own: 🤣 so so many…. 🤣

    Tenra Bansho Zero, Shinobigami, Ryuutama, Blade Runner, Coyote & Crow, Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse, KULT (the new one), Sigmata – just to name a few of those I really want to play at some point.

    Friday August 25, 2023
  • Day 24 of #RPGaDay

    Most complex/simple RPG you play

    Complex: Shadowrun - 6th edition got less crunchier than previous editions but not necessarily less complex.

    Simple: I cheat here because I don’t actually play it anymore. But I played for a while “Hero Kids” with my sons but they grew out of it.

    Thursday August 24, 2023
  • Desktop #Linux-distributions that block mDNS (UDP/5353) by default are something that I don’t understand.

    Wednesday August 23, 2023
  • Day 23 of #RPGaDay

    Coolest Looking RPG product: when I look at the whole product, I think it is something like modern game master screens with the art over the whole width and sometimes great art on the inside. Especially the ones from DnD and the SR-GM screen.

    Wednesday August 23, 2023
  • Day 22 of #RPGaDay

    Best secondhand purchase: That would be “The Security Handbook” for Shadowrun.

    This book really helped me out back then to flesh out my runs and how to think about securing those corporation-buildings.

    Tuesday August 22, 2023
  • Day 21 of #RPGaDay

    Favorite licensed RPG: Alien RPG is just awesome.

    One of the best RPGs I’ve ever played.

    Monday August 21, 2023
  • Beware: When you buy books from HumbleBundle it can happen that those are only keys for Kobo. And those books are protected by Adobe DRM.

    It just happened to me and now I need to figure out how I can get them onto my devices (please don´t try to help me; I will find a way). #fuckDRM

    Sunday August 20, 2023
  • Day 20 of #RPGaDay:

    Will still play in 20 years time:

    Whatever my regular group plays. And I hope Shadowrun.

    Sunday August 20, 2023
  • Insects might feel pain or joy. Very interesting article about it and it’s implications: Do Insects Feel Joy and Pain?

    Saturday August 19, 2023
  • Day 19 of #RPGaDay

    Favorite Published Adventure: Hope’s Last Day for Alien RPG

    That is the adventure in the core rule book of Alien RPG. I ran it twice for different groups and both times it was awesome. It had a great atmosphere, the right length and I would run it again.

    Saturday August 19, 2023
  • NixOS looks more and more interesting. But what I already dislike is how often I read how bad the documentation is and that googling is usually the way to go.

    Why can’t there be a Linux-distribution with documentation like the BSDs?

    Friday August 18, 2023
  • Day 18 of #RPGaDay

    Favorite game system: Powered by the Apocalypse

    I love how it emphasizes telling a story together and makes this relatively easy.

    Friday August 18, 2023
  • For the people who wanted to be informed about a sustainability-report for smartphones: Greenpeace replied and wasn’t helpful unfortunately. For Germany they only linked to the list of Fair Trade-smartphones that are available here: utopia.de/bestenlis…

    Thursday August 17, 2023
  • Day 17 of #RPGaDay

    Funniest game you’ve played: that is definitely Paranoia.

    I didn’t play it often but it was always a blast and so much to laugh.

    Thursday August 17, 2023
  • Day 16 of #RPGaDay

    Game you wished to own: the 2nd or 3rd English edition of KULT

    I played it once and it was pretty awesome. I have the new version (as PDF) but I’d really like to have the old version.

    Wednesday August 16, 2023
  • More vacation. “Return to Monkey Island” in a day. That was fun 🤩

    Tuesday August 15, 2023