Qwertee summer sale…
I don’t need any t-shirts, I don’t need any t-shirts, I don’t need any t-shirts…
Ich habe gerade realisiert, dass ich dem Pressesprecher der AfD-Bundespartei fast jeden Tag über den Weg laufe…
Also ich wusste ja, dass er hier um die Exke wohnt, aber dass ich dem Mann so häufig begegne war mir irgendwie nicht bewusst… 🤮
I am proud of myself. I told me that I need to run more.
But with those temperatures I need to do it in the morning before I wake everybody up. And today I finally did it. Got up before 5am and did 5km before making the first coffee for my wife and me 😃
My kid tried to social engineer the screen time pin from me and my wife. Kind of proud, kind of pissed.
Oh, die erste regelmäßig erscheinende Audio-Sendung, die ich hören will aber nicht abonnieren kann, weil es sie exklusiv in der #ARD #Audiothek gibt. Dann wohl nicht.
Btw. wenn es keinen öffentlichen RSS-Feed gibt, dann ist das kein #Podcast
Wie kommt man denn bitte auf die Idee ein “Forum” durch einen Discord-Server zu ersetzen? Das sind doch völlig unterschiedliche Dinge…
People and the climate catastrophe in a short comic strip:
When I look at old screenshots of MacOS like Tiger and before, it feels like more fun. Maybe it is nostalgia but that looks just sparks more joy than the modern clean look.
Going Nophone - yet another form of electronic veganism.
And tbh: I couldn’t do it.
“Bis 2028 soll jede Berliner Wohnung durch einen Glasfaseranschluss mit Internet versorgt werden. Das ist schon länger erklärtes Ziel.” (Tagesspiegel)
Ich hab Glas in der Wohnung. Aber ich bekomm dadurch nur Internet von der Telekom und das kostet dann etwa doppelt so viel wie von anderen #berlin
I am getting old. I am starting to use color themes with a higher contrast and even prefer light ones.
- Friday June 9, 2023
Kann man sich nicht ausdenken…
The way #Reddit handles third-party apps I am really considering deleting my accounts even though I liked using Reddit and would have even paid a subscription for Apollo (I’m a lifetime ultra-member currently).
The way #Reddit handles third-party apps I am really considering deleting my accounts even though I liked using Reddit and would have even paid a subscription for Apollo (I’m a lifetime ultra-member currently).
Längeres Arbeiten erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit früher zu sterben. 2 Fliegen mit einer Klappe. Länger einzahlen, weniger rausnehmen. 🙃
Ach ja, es gibt Forderungen nach der 42-Stunden-Woche und länger arbeiten (aber auch mehr Lohn)
I am playing #Shadowrun for decades and I never bought trodes or AR-headsets for my characters. Either it is built in (cybereyes etc) or something like contact lenses. Everything else I couldn’t imagine that it is worn a lot. #wwdc #visionpro
Wait - people with glasses get special lenses. So everyone in my family needs their own Vision Pro and no one can share theirs? Or how does that work? #wwdc
The iPhone was kind of like “the future” when it got presented. The Vision Pro seems weird.
But maybe I am just getting old. #wwdc
Vision Pro looks painful when I have to wear it for more than 30 minutes while having my glasses on. #wwdc
Any recommendations for an iOS-soundboard that can play me background music and play sounds I can upload to it? I need it for in-person #ttrpg-sessions #ios #soundboard
Document your stuff or it will bite you
Btw. I solved today a problem that brought down a complex system for a whole day by setting a single sysctl-value.
I re-installed a bunch of systems with the same function, so that they all run on the same distribution and all hell breaks loose.
I couldn’t find what the difference was to before and of course it only appeared in its whole glory after I set up all the systems.
Apparently I set that sysctl in the past and didn’t document it and didn’t put it into configuration management. I have no idea why I didn’t do that. Because I must have done it for three different distributions (don’t ask…it was a time of experimentation) and now I changed them all to yet another one but at least to the same one. And it hit hard.
One very stressful day with me trying to do a roll-back at 9 or 10 pm. And then getting up at 4am with fresh but tired eyes. At least I found the solution then.
Of course I put it into the system configuration now and told several people about it, so if something like this happens again in the future someone might remember that there is this one sysctl in this situation that will save your ass.
I am getting too old for this stuff. But hey, at least I found a solution after only a day and I didn’t even have to start reading source code, analyze a big tcpdump or do straces or whatever. But Google and ChatGPT didn’t help either. Just a sentence in the documentation I couldn’t remember. Good thing that I read it again…
In short: if you do something write documentation and make sure that you will be able to find it. And put your things in config management and commit it with a sensible commit-message. Your future self will thank you later.
I just read an interesting idea in an article from The Alexandrian: roll Initiative last - after the fight, so that you can use it for the next fight and start right into it. #rpg
Me: “I think I have to re-install my laptop “(thinking about installing #fedora #silverblue)
My wife: “Why? Does everything work now?”