Längeres Arbeiten erhöht die Wahrscheinlichkeit früher zu sterben. 2 Fliegen mit einer Klappe. Länger einzahlen, weniger rausnehmen. 🙃
Ach ja, es gibt Forderungen nach der 42-Stunden-Woche und länger arbeiten (aber auch mehr Lohn)
I am playing #Shadowrun for decades and I never bought trodes or AR-headsets for my characters. Either it is built in (cybereyes etc) or something like contact lenses. Everything else I couldn’t imagine that it is worn a lot. #wwdc #visionpro
Wait - people with glasses get special lenses. So everyone in my family needs their own Vision Pro and no one can share theirs? Or how does that work? #wwdc
The iPhone was kind of like “the future” when it got presented. The Vision Pro seems weird.
But maybe I am just getting old. #wwdc
Vision Pro looks painful when I have to wear it for more than 30 minutes while having my glasses on. #wwdc
Any recommendations for an iOS-soundboard that can play me background music and play sounds I can upload to it? I need it for in-person #ttrpg-sessions #ios #soundboard
Document your stuff or it will bite you
Btw. I solved today a problem that brought down a complex system for a whole day by setting a single sysctl-value.
I re-installed a bunch of systems with the same function, so that they all run on the same distribution and all hell breaks loose.
I couldn’t find what the difference was to before and of course it only appeared in its whole glory after I set up all the systems.
Apparently I set that sysctl in the past and didn’t document it and didn’t put it into configuration management. I have no idea why I didn’t do that. Because I must have done it for three different distributions (don’t ask…it was a time of experimentation) and now I changed them all to yet another one but at least to the same one. And it hit hard.
One very stressful day with me trying to do a roll-back at 9 or 10 pm. And then getting up at 4am with fresh but tired eyes. At least I found the solution then.
Of course I put it into the system configuration now and told several people about it, so if something like this happens again in the future someone might remember that there is this one sysctl in this situation that will save your ass.
I am getting too old for this stuff. But hey, at least I found a solution after only a day and I didn’t even have to start reading source code, analyze a big tcpdump or do straces or whatever. But Google and ChatGPT didn’t help either. Just a sentence in the documentation I couldn’t remember. Good thing that I read it again…
In short: if you do something write documentation and make sure that you will be able to find it. And put your things in config management and commit it with a sensible commit-message. Your future self will thank you later.
I just read an interesting idea in an article from The Alexandrian: roll Initiative last - after the fight, so that you can use it for the next fight and start right into it. #rpg
Me: “I think I have to re-install my laptop “(thinking about installing #fedora #silverblue)
My wife: “Why? Does everything work now?”
Two cats improve their posing in the shadow 🤣
Two cats chilling in the shadow
Ich glaube die #razzia gegen die #LetzteGeneration wird nur mehr radikalisieren imho. Dann könnte das mit der kriminellen Vereinigung zu einer selbsterfüllenden Prophezeiung werden…
nano-ism: discrimination because of the use of nano #linux #bsd #editor #sysadmin
When Sora uses Taros paw as a pillow… #caturday
Ich werde wohl beim Sonnencon #Shadowrun 6 leiten. Mal schauen was ich mache.
Schon lang nicht mehr geleitet und auf 5 Stunden geplant. #ttrpg
It sucks that I can’t use my #Yubikey with PIN on #Linux with #Firefox 🙁
Interessantes Interview mit AAS, dem neuen Chefredakteur von #Shadowrun beim Schattenläufer-Podcast.
Ich finde es faszinierend,dass ich seit den 90er in der Berliner #RPG-Szene unterwegs bin und ihn nur einmal (bewusst) bei einem überregionalem Brujah-Clantreffen getroffen habe.
I installed #Fedora because I use my #Linux laptop only for short periods of time outside of vacation and the one thing I noticed is that #Gnome Shell crashes far more often than when I had #Arch
I wonder if Gnome 44 is just that unstable.
TIL: Markus Heitz spielt (spielte?) selbst #Shadowrun
Der Verein will ein Konto eröffnen. Dafür soll er jetzt einen Auszug aus dem Transparenzregister anbringen.
Die E-Mail-Kommunikation mit den Mitarbeitern vom Transparenzregister ist freundlich. Aber der ganze Vorgang ist massiv umständlich und nervig.
The last episode of season 3 of The Mandalorian felt a bit rushed as I kind of expected after episode 7. I think that would have fit better in 2, if not even 3 episodes.
Hm…I never had the idea to build a thrill-seeking runner who got all his expensive gear because he won the lottery #shadowrun
Tidied up the gaming shelves and tried to follow how a game collector I know puts in his games by not piling them up but putting them in like books (didn’t work everywhere…still I tried my best). It is gar easier to get to the games than trying to pull them out of a pile :)
TIL: shell-redirections with sudo can be done. Just use
sudo /bin/sh -c “echo ‘foobar’ > $file”
How did I never had the idea to do it this way? 🤦♂️
Well everyday you learn something new. #linux #unix
The Super Mario-movie was better than expected. And the kids (9 and 12) had a blast.