• Puh…das gedruckte deutsche Shadowrun 6-Grundregelwerk im Pegasus Shop ist Stand 2019…aber man bekommt kostenlos die PDF dazu, wenn man direkt dort bestellt.

    Thursday August 11, 2022
  • I forgot how annoying the shopping-part of the Shadowrun character creation is. Packs make it more bearable but still…

    Wednesday August 10, 2022
  • “Prey” is soooo good.

    Wednesday August 10, 2022
  • Shadowrun 6 - das erste Spiel bei dem ich den Onlineshop Anfrage welche Auflage man bekommt und welchem Erratastand das entspricht…

    Tuesday August 9, 2022
  • I think the #Shadowrun 6-team should have far more publicly communicated their ideas (maybe some blog posts) behind the rule changes.

    Monday August 8, 2022
  • And the supposed nerfing of magic is probably a good thing. In the last editions one of the major criticisms was that magical characters are so much more powerful than the rest - especially in the long run. With the Transhumanism-rule from the Companion it gets even more leveled.

    Monday August 8, 2022
  • After listening to some podcasts #Shadowrun 6 doesn’t seem so bad anymore. I even can get behind the idea of the way armor works. Now you can have the cool looking characters without compromising your soak so much. Suddenly Shadowrunners do not all need to be the operative-type.

    Monday August 8, 2022
  • Da versucht man jemanden UX-Feedback zu seiner Webseite zu seiner Veranstaltung zu geben und derjenige will scheinbar dazu nichts hören…

    Monday August 8, 2022
  • Woohoo, Fantastical and my Nextcloud-instances work together again. I had too many AuthTokens for some reason.

    Sunday August 7, 2022
  • After my first week of alternate day fasting (1 day normal eating, 1 day max 500kcal), I have to say that I find it more tolerable for me than 16:8 intermittent fasting. Let’s see if I can keep up with it and if my weight goes down (probably not as fast as with calorie counting)

    Saturday August 6, 2022
  • Cool. They dubbed Prey in Comanche.

    Friday August 5, 2022
  • There will be awesome food in a few moments 😁

    Thursday August 4, 2022
  • Use ssh in combination with your Apple Keychain

    TIL: you can add the passwords of your ssh-keys to your Apple Keychain. And you can load all your keys into the ssh-agent that have saved passwords in the Keychain. With a small function (I use fish), you can load them on opening the first time your shell. But that part should be easily adaptable to any shell.

    You need to use the ssh Apple provides. which ssh should result in /usr/bin/ssh

    Do this once for all your ssh-keys:

    ssh-add --apple-use-keychain $path/to/your/ssh-key

    and then you do in the future once

    ssh-add --apple-load-keychain

    and all your ssh-keys will be loaded without having you entering your password.

    I created then a small function in ~/.config/fish/functions - ssh_add_keys.fish:

    function ssh_add_keys
      ssh-add -l > /dev/null || ssh-add -q --apple-load-keychain

    After loading your ssh-agent (there are several fish-plugins like this one: fish-ssh-agent), you add ssh_add_keys.

    This looks in my config.fish like this:


    When you open your terminal, your keys will be automagically added from the Apple Keychain; and this only when there no keys added to the ssh-agent yet.


    Thursday August 4, 2022
  • The Eternals was pretty boring and stupid. #mcu

    Saturday July 30, 2022
  • New favorite emoji: 🦦

    Saturday July 30, 2022
  • The sentence “I go and get my magic wand” just sounds so wrong.

    Friday July 29, 2022
  • Practicing wand spins is fun.

    Oh and I can really recommend the Wand Spins-video by Ian Kendall. #magic

    Thursday July 28, 2022
  • Oho. Der Sicherheitsmensch in der U-Bahn wirft alle raus, die keine Maske tragen.

    Tuesday July 26, 2022
  • Endlich mal nen Termin für die dritte Auffrischung gemacht. Es wird echt Zeit…

    Tuesday July 26, 2022
  • I finished reading yesterday 2XS after reading it back in the day the last time. What a flashback to a time when we didn’t know that the UB was all about insect spirits. #shadowrun

    Friday July 22, 2022
  • Einen sehr schönen Escape Room in einem alten Schiff an der Ostsee durchgerätselt. Wenn ihr mal in Damp seid, kann ich das nur empfehlen.

    Friday July 22, 2022
  • I bet Spotify Kids is created by someone who doesn’t have kids and they never tested it with kids who don’t have 365 days of the year Internet-access.

    Especially on longer travels Spotify Kids becomes suddenly useless.

    Sunday July 17, 2022
  • Spotify Kids where kids can‘t like shared playlists which means they can’t download the songs. And they can‘t create new playlists or like albums, so they can play audio books/radio plays easily in the correct order. The basic idea of Spotify kids is great, the execution…

    Sunday July 17, 2022
  • Btw. there is a Shadowrun humble bundle right now with most of the available books (companion not included) and as core they use the current Seattle Edition core rule book which is apparently way better than the original one.

    Friday July 15, 2022
  • Wow, and they even have a rule that a mundane character can awaken during a campaign for a certain amount of karma. This is awesome. #sr6 #companion

    Friday July 15, 2022