Day 15 of #RPGaDay
Favorite Con-module/one-shot: the next one!
Day 14 of #RPGaDay
Favorite convention purchase: the last convention I was at, was the first one where Inbought something. So this is easy: a used Civilization-board game
I still have to try it out though.
Day 13 of #RPGaDay
Most memorable character demise: we nearly made it and a spontaneous solo effort of a player lead to a TPK in the final session of the campaign. Nobody understands why he did it. If he would have done nothing, we would have been in the clear.
Day 12 of #RPGaDAY
Old game you still play: I play unfortunately rarely thus I play what I can. So most of the time it is DnD 5e and outside of this it is usually newer stuff like Shadowrun 6, Alien RPG or something Powered by the Apocalypse.
So no old games I play these days.
Real vacation. I am close to 4 books in 7 days.
I am seriously thinking about getting an Android-phone as my next phone (Fairphone 4 with e/OS) even though I am so invested in the Apple-eco system.
I’d really like to see what the level of sustainability of current iPhones is. The last report I found from Greenpeace was from 2017.
Day 11 of #rpgaday
Weirdest game you’ve played: that is probably “Plüsch, Power and Plunder”. You play a stuffed animal which you bring. In the session I played we had to free a teddy bear from plastic toys that enslaved teddy bears. The BBEGs were action figures of Sauron, Dumbledore and a Unicorn.
Day 10 in #rpgaday
Favorite tie-in fiction. You might not believe it when you read my last posts but I am a hardcore Shadowrun-fan and I love the novels. especially the older ones were cool like 2XS by Nigel Findley or Burning Bright by Tom Dowd.
Only two days to go to be current on #rpgaday
- Favorite dice: the D6. Always available, everyone has it. Unfortunately only really usable when using at least 3 imho and gets pretty useful in pools (hey Shadowrun)
Let’s see if micro.blog still works for me. More #rpgaday
- Favorite character. Another hard one. Back in the day I built so many characters I used as NPCs… There was this hardcore bike ganger though for Shadowrun who always wore the knitted stuff from his sister who is knitting for him in rehab.
And more #rpgaday
- Smartest RPG you ever played. I dont know the name but it was a small indenpendently never published game that dosnt use dice but some mechanism for shifting your values in attack and defense and did some cool stuff without any dice for skill checks (which I cant remember unfortunately)
More #rpgaday
- Favorite game you never get to play. That’s a hard one. If I really want to play something, I just tell people that I will run something and usually find players. But in the end I think it is Feng Shui.
More #rpgaday
- Oldest game you’ve played. Let’s chefk the Wikipedia. DnD 2nd is older than The Dark Eye 1st. There you have it :)
Let’s continue with #rpgaday
First RPG bought (this year): I buy very selectively these days. And I think the only game I bought something for is Shadowrun
Most recent game bought. As mentioned in 3: Something for Shadowrun. if talking about something new, it is Blade Runner.
Ok. I missed some days for #rpgaday
Thus I start now and post the first ten days.
First RPG played this year: DnD 5. My regular group has a monthly game, so this is where it is at.
First RPG Gamemaster: I think my brother…or a friend of his. This is like 35 years ago…
Regarding my last post about #Suse and anti-semitism. Lunduke seems to be problematic and has a personal grudge against the company. But I find nothing really from the company that counters his blog-post
openSUSE has at least a CoC (I don’t know how good it is written though; not my expertise) #linux
The best soundtrack to #Shadowrun is still the OST of Blade Runner by Vangelis.
I am reading the first time a novel about the CFD in #shadowrun. That is the third metaplot about body snatchers (or are they even more? Bugs Shedim, CFD…)
How about something new?
Damn…you have to buy tickets to the Anne-Frank-House six weeks in advance :(
Well, the NEMO science museum looks like the Berlin Spectrum but better. So, I got tickets for the kids and me. #amsterdam
Oh, I found a way to contact support. On the website when logged in the account management-settings. #pocket
Wow. Pocket has really no support except some FAQ-articles. And the “Contact Support” link is just a link onto the support-page. I didn’t expect that from a company like Mozilla.
They also list accounts on X and not on Mastodon or so.
RIP Bram Moolenaar
Thanks for your work. I use it daily. #vim
After several weeks with #OpenSuse Tumbleweed it still feels a bit weird. Especially how repos are handled and how often I have to take care about dependency conflicts. I can’t remember when I had such problems in the past. And without the repos I miss some software (like codecs). #linux
Ok. My #shadowrun-mission yesterday was so good that Shadowrun has now at least three more players. They directly bought a 5th edition rulebook because that was the only one available at the convention and want to buy a 6th edition one. Nice 😊 #ttrpg
And judging from the age of the convention-participants, #ttrpg have at least in Germany a real problem in terms of finding new players. I guess that most attendees were between 35 and 45 or something like this. Some might be bit younger, some a bit older. Nearly no younger people attended.