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    Interesting: I am dieting for only two weeks now and my heart rate at rest is going down according to my fitness tracker.

    Friday April 20, 2018
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    Each and every time I hear Trump speaking, I wonder if it is possible for this man to speak one complete and coherent sentence.

    Thursday April 19, 2018
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    I did it! After two weeks of search I finally solved my NFS-problem! I was so desperate. It wasn’t the NFS and some people owe me something because they always derailed me from the real solution.

    Tuesday April 17, 2018
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    I just did a mathematical proof where I was unsure when I started. Then I read in the forum of the math course which made me uncertain what to do. I read more stuff, I was even more unsure and in the end I used a solution which feels like “that’s too simple; it can’t be this one”

    Sunday April 15, 2018
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    I am the master of cross-posting and pretty desperate slowly but surely #nfs #freebsd

    Thursday April 12, 2018
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    Ooh, a new 2600 got released :)

    Thursday April 12, 2018
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    Bei eBay oder Amazon Deutschland nach „MiST Computer“ zu suchen, bringt nicht wirklich die erwünschten Ergebnisse…

    Thursday April 12, 2018
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    Die Dame von der Bank hätte mir nur sagen müssen, dass sie die Persokopie wegen des GWGs brauch. Aber der Datenschutzbeauftragte hat wirklich schnell geantwortet nachdem ich ihm eine Mail schrieb.

    Thursday April 12, 2018
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    So schnell geht es mit dem Datenschutz: Bankmitarbeiterin verwirrt und sie wird sich wohl denken „Was ist das für ein Trottel?“, weil ich keine ungeschwärzte Kopie meines Persos rüberschicken will.

    Thursday April 12, 2018
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    Look what arrived today :) #hmtm #rpgHeavy Metal Thunder Mouse-book

    Thursday April 12, 2018
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    TIL: there are not only licensed mini-figures (like Star Wars) which they can’t replace/sell outside of a set but also internally licensed brands like Nexo Knights and Ninjago where apparently the same rules apply. Keep care of your mini-figures and those of your kids #LEGO

    Tuesday April 10, 2018
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    It is only Monday and I feel like it could already be Thursday…

    Monday April 9, 2018
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    Zur Zeit macht das einfach alles keinen Spaß…

    Monday April 9, 2018
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    In Germany I would consider the political spectrums from left to right. In the US it seems to be from liberal to conservatism. Why is there this difference or do I make a translation-error and they are actually the same?

    Sunday April 8, 2018
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    I just added todos with syntax highlighting for Pascal and different warning-times when their deadline approaches for the programming tasks I have to do for university. This rocks and even beats OmniFocus.

    Sunday April 8, 2018
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    Hm, idea for mastodon-instances: in-character-instances for role playing games. So you have a Shadowrun-instance for example were every user has a Shadowrun-character as which they post. And then federate only with other Shadowrun-instances.

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    Und T-Mobile Austria auf Twitter so: wir speichern eure Passwörter im Klartext und unsere Sicherheit ist so krass, dass ihr euch keine Sorgen machen braucht 🤦‍♂️ https://twitter.com/tmobileat/status/981418339653300224 https://twitter.com/tmobileat/status/982187919061303296

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    So, I created now two additional mastodon-accounts for their local timelines on other instances. On my main-account my TL is interesting, but the federated timeline is just too full of uninteresting stuff

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    Using now a org-mode in spacemacs for a week or two and I am quite happy with it. Using spacemacs for general editing doesn’t feels as comfortable as with vim in the console though so far. But I use vim now for years and spacemacs only for a rather short time.

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    Dear Company, please tell me who provided you my number. No one of them was authorized to give you this number and I’d like to sue them all. Best regards

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    “You provide us the phone numbers of XXXX users and your other contacts in your mobile phone address book on a regular basis. You confirm you are authorized to provide us such numbers to allow us to provide our Services.”

    Guess the EULA and how should I be able to be authorized?

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    Wow, this t-shirt is already like 13 years old #tlug

    Friday April 6, 2018
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    „Alle 11 Minuten verliebt sich ein Single über Parship.“ Aber wie häufig verlieben sich zwei? Und dann auch noch ineinander?

    Thursday April 5, 2018
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    The registry Raddix apparently automatically deactivates domains without notification when they land on the RBL SURBL and reactivates when your domain got removed. So, don’t register any domains which have their TLD administered by Raddix.

    Thursday April 5, 2018
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    Bento. Yummy 😋

    Thursday April 5, 2018