• Interessant: alte drei ???-Folgen kommen jetzt teilweise mit einem Disclaimer, dass in der Folge diskriminierende Sprache vorkommt und dass das problematisch ist. Nur finde ich auf der erwähnten Webseite nichts :/

    Ach ja, das Beispiel ist der sprechende Totenschädel.

    Saturday December 3, 2022
  • I want to get a private laptop and Frame.work is really tempting. Even though I would need to switch for my private stuff back to Linux. I like the golden cage of Apple…

    Or I get a cheap used Thinkpad like a T480. But on mobile I will stay with Apple for the time being…

    Saturday December 3, 2022
  • Heute habe ich den Begriff „Ketchup-Veganer“ kennengelernt. Ich fühle mich ertappt. #ernährung #vegan

    Saturday December 3, 2022
  • Why do those expensive Apple-products where they get 30% of every software purchase in their store show now in the AppStore ads everywhere?

    So the only operating systems that are not showing ads are open source-operating systems?

    (Not all though l, I know…looking at you Ubuntu)

    Friday December 2, 2022
  • Hm…The Daily does do ads for Qatar :/

    Friday December 2, 2022
  • It is astounding which problems I encounter with #Emacs on my Mac. It is the first software in quite a while that crashes regularly, then I am too stupid to use magit from time to time and today I needed a restart because Esc wouldn’t bring me back to evil-normal-mode.

    Tuesday November 29, 2022
  • I watched today “Hackers” with my kids. They loved it 😍

    And I practiced magic until my hand hurt. I might have a blister tomorrow 😩

    Friday November 25, 2022
  • Oh, es gibt wohl eine neue Rechte Partei.

    Davon kann es gerne mehr geben und ihre Wählerschaft unter sich aufteilen. Dezentralität tut gut in dem Bereich.

    Thursday November 24, 2022
  • We should praise the staff of Tesla and SpaceX more.

    Those companies didn’t become what they are because of Musk but despite Musk…

    Thursday November 24, 2022
  • Substack with its “Subscribe”-pop up is soooo annoying.

    Tuesday November 22, 2022
  • I looked 5 minutes into Hive and it is far too picture-centric for me (I am probably just old). And I don’t understand what the pictures have to do with the topics.

    screenshot of hive that shows the topic of science and tech with unrelated pictures. Science: the face of a woman and one with a switch. Tech: one with a man and headset and one anime-like picture of a cat-girl woth a keyboard.
    Tuesday November 22, 2022
  • Neue Verschwörungstheorie: die Letzte Generation ist eine False Flag-Operation der CDU/CSU, um von der Klimathematik abzulenken.

    Monday November 21, 2022
  • The highlight of the day currently is playing Mario Kart with my wife and aiming for the 100% (first: get all unlockables through Grand Prix. We just finished 200cc with all gold trophies; now it is mirrored with 1 star+).

    Monday November 21, 2022
  • The Dead South in Prague. It was pretty awesome 😄

    Saturday November 19, 2022
  • Today I added another story to my sysadmin-war story-repertoir… FML

    Wednesday November 16, 2022
  • I am trying to get used to work in #emacs but when I have to switch between many files, grep for stuff to find the correct ones, it feels so inefficient in comparison to my tmux/vim/cli-tools-workflow. Somehow I think I am doing something wrong.

    Wednesday November 16, 2022
  • I am living in an apartment complex with higher rents than the rest of the area because of the ways rents are developing here. Like everywhere in the area there are happening burglaries in the cellars. Suddenly there is an “us”/“they”-discussion in the chat group of the complex…

    Tuesday November 15, 2022
  • Searching for a trustworthy news-site that writes about the decision of the Iranian parliament that 15k people may be executed because of the protests. And that the first “rioter” was sentenced to death and that virgins are raped before they get executed. What a world if true.

    Tuesday November 15, 2022
  • And so I start migrating back from gitea go gogs. I loose some features, but that is worth not using a software where developers hop onto the crypto-bandwagon. In the end I probably wouldn’t even need. a web-interface for my stuff. #gitea #dao

    Sunday November 13, 2022
  • TIL: Cloudflare could be apparently really problematic in front of a German website

    Friday November 11, 2022
  • There are no healing spells for wizards in #DnD 5e 😱

    I really hope the Cleric turns up.

    Friday November 11, 2022
  • Oh Misty Step and Invisibilty are options with a level 3-Wizard…but there is also Mirror Image and Healing Spirit…if the Cleric still doesn’t turn up I might go for Invisibility and Healing Spirit. #dnd

    Friday November 11, 2022
  • Oh Misty Step and Invisibilty are options with a level 3-Wizard…but there is also Mirror Image and Healing Spirit…if the Cleric still doesn’t turn up I might go for Invisibility and Healing Spirit.

    Friday November 11, 2022
  • I still need to prepare level 3 my wizard until tonight because a level up is coming up (DnD 5e).

    Any recommendations for spells? #dnd

    Friday November 11, 2022
  • For being able to have a screenshot here… @help interesting - when I mention a mastodon-user then an old avatar appears in mastodon and not my current one.

    Friday November 11, 2022