• Das Format von der neuen Softcover-Version vom Shadowrun-Grundregelwerk ist ja einfach nur großartig. Und der Preis ist unschlagbar (9,95€) #shadowrun #shadowrun6 #pegasus

    Saturday March 9, 2024
  • I saw today Dune Part 1 & 2 in the cinema. 1 was quite cool, 2 was ok. A bit confusing from time to timee and the time frame was too short.

    The book where the story needs years to develop (according to the plot in the Wikipedia) makes more sense to be honest.

    Saturday March 2, 2024
  • And here a third cosplayer from #dedeco

    Thor - as in sat too long on the couch and didn’t work out
    Saturday February 24, 2024
  • Ok. micro.blog lets me attach more than one photo but shows only one in the end. Here another one from #dedeco

    A cosplayer playing a female tiefling-bard
    Saturday February 24, 2024
  • I went to #dedeco today because of my son. It is an anime/manga/cosplay-convention in Dresden. It was more fun than expected. And we got a great introduction into crafting with foam and thermoplastics to build our own cosplay-things.

    Only a couple of cosplay-photos because my son is in the others.

    Saturday February 24, 2024
  • Was ich ja bei der ganzen NATO-Sache nicht verstehe, ist dass Art. 5 meines Wissens nach nur ein einziges Mal gezogen wurde bisher. Zu Gunsten der US-Amerikaner für einen Krieg, der auf Lügen basierte.

    Friday February 23, 2024
  • Why should I switch from Shellfish to Prompt 3? Is there any good reason besides the Yubikey-Support? #ios #ssh

    Thursday February 22, 2024
  • Ich schrieb heute ja schon, dass ich bei den Gratis Rollenspieltagen #Shadowrun leiten werde und es gibt jetzt auch eine Beschreibung, worum es geht: Ein kleiner Vogel

    Saturday February 17, 2024
  • Weil ich es selbst immer verplane: Im März sind die Gratis-Rollenspieltage.

    Wer mal bei mir #Shadowrun 6 spielen will in dem Rahmen: Ich leite am 16. März beim Verein Sonntagshelden in #Berlin. Details sind aber noch unklar. #ttrpg #rollenspiel

    Saturday February 17, 2024
  • Tarō on his favorite chair #caturday

    Tarō, the family’s tomcat, sleeping on his favorite chair
    Saturday February 10, 2024
  • It is kind of funny that I play the fantasy-#ttrpg #DnD5e mainly online these days and the cyberpunky #Shadowrun mainly offline

    Saturday February 10, 2024
  • Somehow the Adblocker on my iPhone was disabled and I didn’t notice. I wondered how unusable websites became and that so much gets around the adblocker these days.

    How do people without adblockers use the internet? It was soooo bad. So many sites became hard to use and read on my mobile device.

    Friday February 9, 2024
  • Yeah, first time I did in an (interval-)training 1k in less than 5 minutes 🎉 #running

    Thursday February 1, 2024
  • I really want to hear once that a crazy rich person responding to the question how they started out, responding: “For startersr, I had the fortune of a family with a lot of money to begin with.”

    Wednesday January 31, 2024
  • Ich hab den alten Brief mit Transport-PIN und PUK noch. Pech gehabt - die Ausweis-App ist der Meinung, dass die Transport-PIN falsch ist. Technik die begeistert. #lastpost #eid

    Monday January 29, 2024
  • Schon mal versucht dieses Jahr den PIN der eID zurückzusetzen? Den Service per Brief haben sie am 29.12.2023 eingestellt. Man darf jetzt zum Bürgeramt gehen, um den PIN zurückzusetzen 🤦‍♂️

    Ohne eID oder entsprechende KV-Karte auch kein e-Rezept…Dann lass ich das wohl mal alles…

    Monday January 29, 2024
  • Rule of thumb: if it relates to IT and has “simple” or “lightweight” in its name, it is usually (though not always) complex and hard to understand

    Sunday January 21, 2024
  • Ich war im Wintergarten in der Show Mad Magic

    Der Wahnsinn. Ganz toll. Ich bin wirklich begeistert. Besonders die Seifenblasennummer war faszinierend. #berlin

    Wednesday January 10, 2024
  • Somehow I am doing only "free someone/something"-runs for #Shadowrun lately

    These days I am rarely a game master for RPGs. Currently I am creating a run for #shadowrun which is called “The Humanis Policlub Took My Baby Away”. And I just noticed that this is the third run in a row where the objective is to free someone or something. I really need to change this for the next run.

    All runs are one-shots created like half a year apart, so it didn´t really occur to me that I am always doing some kind of the same objective.

    Run 1 - Free the Girl

    The first run in that “series” was that the runners shall free a teenage-girl from a villa where she was hold against her will. In the end it turned out that it was a divorce-case where the mother tried to flee with her daughter from her husband. The runners were hired by the father who turned out to be a blood mage for Aztlan and they had to decide if they delivered the girl or not.
    I know that the title is crap but I didn´t need to come up with something. That title is how it is in my notes-files.

    Run 2 - Bloody Asphalt

    This one was about a robbed rigger. The robbed rigger (an NPC who was hospitalized for the run) was a part of the team the characters played. He was robbed and his car was stolen in front of a stuffers shack. The runners had to find it and bring it back.

    Run 3 - The Humanis Policlub Took My Baby Away

    Well, the title says all I guess. The girlfriend of the brother of one of the runners got snatched by the Humanis Policlub. And now he asks his brother and his team for help to free her. I won´t share any details here since I will play it next week and still working out the details. But each time I think more about it, it becomes a bit more interesting I think. Just the question: why did the Humanis Policlub kidnapped her and why doesn´t the brother recruit his own gang for example to free her (the original idea was that he is a ganger) changed it yesterday quite a bit. And I could soften up the last scene which was pretty heavy in the beginning and could have made players kinda uncomfortable. Now the evil is still there but the last scene will happen someplace else.

    I wanted to note something for other shadowrun-game masters. If you are doing one-shots, it is really helpful to skip the “Meet the Johnson”-phase. That one costs only time, and you can directly skip to the part where the team established that they are working together and will do the run. No “I won´t get paid, so I don´t do it” or long haggle-sessions for the price. In a normal campaign, you can do that as well but this is a real time saver and saves you from the awkward situation that a player might decide that they think that their character won´t do something or has to do it another way which only disturbs the session.

    I am also currently reading “So You want to be a Game Master” by Justin Alexander and it is quite interesting and helpful in creating that third run. And even though I do a lot of things already in that book, it is worth a read for inexperienced and experienced game masters alike. Inexperienced game masters will of course get more out of it.

    The last thing I want to mention is that I asked for fun ChatGPT to change the lyrics for “The KKK Took My Baby Away” by the Ramones to fit “The Humanis Policlub Took My Baby Away”. And I was surprised how good it turned out:

    (Verse 1)
    Late at night, in the neon glow,
    My baby’s gone, lost to the shadows.
    In the sprawl where danger’s the law,
    The Humanis came, left me in awe.

    Runners of the shadows, hear my plea,
    Bring her back, set my baby free.
    In the darkness where secrets play,
    I’m calling out to you, find a way.

    The Humanis took my love away,
    Down in the shadows where the runners stray.
    Mercenaries, heart of the night,
    Bring her back, make it right.

    (Verse 2)
    Chrome and magic, the city’s heartbeat,
    Whispers in the darkness, secrets they keep.
    She’s out there, caught in the vice,
    Runners, I need you, roll the dice.

    Runners of the shadows, heed my cry,
    In the underworld, where shadows lie.
    Through the sprawl, where danger’s rife,
    Bring her back, save my life.

    The Humanis took my love away,
    Down in the shadows where the runners stray.
    Mercenaries, heart of the night,
    Bring her back, make it right.

    Through the matrix, in the back alleys,
    Follow the trail, where darkness rallies.
    Runners, hunters, seekers of fate,
    Rescue my love, don’t hesitate.

    (Verse 3)
    In the city of sin, where the streets are mean,
    She’s a pawn in a game, a part of the scene.
    To the shadows, where the runners tread,
    Bring her back, or I’ll be dead.

    Runners of the shadows, don’t delay,
    In the web of intrigue, find a way.
    Through the chaos, where the secrets breed,
    Bring her back, fulfill this need.

    The Humanis took my love away,
    Down in the shadows where the runners stray.
    Mercenaries, heart of the night,
    Bring her back, make it right.

    Friday December 22, 2023
  • I ran Saturday my first half-marathon and now I am in bed probably with Corona (someone close has it and developed symptoms a couple of days before me).

    If the symptoms would have started a day earlier I wouldn’t have been able to run. Lucky me I guess.

    Monday December 11, 2023
  • #caturday

    Saturday November 25, 2023
  • #caturday

    Saturday November 25, 2023
  • I just finished The Lost Cause, the newest book by @pluralistic@mamot.fr an d it is great. A book of hope playing in a dystopian near future that could be really our future. Interesting characters and as always interesting ideas.

    Sunday November 19, 2023
  • Good morning #caturday

    Two cats on the balcony
    Saturday September 16, 2023
  • If you are playing #ttrpg related to #cyberpunk, you might want to listen to the episode about a tragic fire in Johannesburg to get some material. The part about “hijacked buildings” is something how for example people in the Redmond Barrens in #Shadowrun probably live.

    Monday September 11, 2023