• Is it just me or did the search in iOS 16 got really bad?

    Saturday October 15, 2022
  • Wenn man im AppStore nach HyMo sucht, bekommt man romeo und grindr angeboten. Die Entwickler sollten nochmal am Namen drehen…


    Saturday October 15, 2022
  • Ab Dezember hab ich kein BVG-Ticket mehr, weil mir Corona gezeigt hat, dass ich fast alles mit dem Fahrrad machen kann. Und jetzt so selten U- und S-Bahn fahre, dass selbst das 49€-Ticket zu teuer wäre…

    Saturday October 15, 2022
  • I am trying to “get” reverse polish notation but when I have an expression with multiplications, divisions, additions, subtractions, parentheses and exponents I have to jump all the time in my head when I have to input an operand and when a value. Am I doing something wrong?

    Thursday October 13, 2022
  • I read my eBooks mainly on my iPhone in the Kindle-app because there are times where I like to use a Kindle. Is there any solution out there which allows me the same but self-hosted? Read an ebook on different devices (incl eInk) and sync my reading progress/highlights/notes?

    Thursday October 13, 2022
  • That season finale of She-Hulk was awesome!

    Thursday October 13, 2022
  • Die Pfandsummen bei Brodowin sind schon jedes Mal der Hammer. Bestellungsbetrag von etwas über 60€ und 50€ Pfand für Kisten und Deckel.

    Thursday October 13, 2022
  • Derry Girls Season 3 was great again.

    But that really felt like the end of the series with the Good Friday referendum at the end.

    Monday October 10, 2022
  • Cobra Kai Season 5 is like a bad sports manga tbh…but it is entertaining.

    Sunday October 9, 2022
  • Need to draw things like diagrams in ASCII on a Mac? Use Monodraw. It is pretty cool and not that expensive.

    Sunday October 9, 2022
  • Wasteland Rebels-Episode über Emissionen, die man bei der Internetbenutzung so erzeugt/einsparen kann: 
Digitale Emissionen - Welche Emissionen verursacht das Internet?

    Saturday October 8, 2022
  • Why am I so fascinated with emacs and return all the time to (neo)vim (for editing) and OmniFocus (instead of using orgmode)?

    I really try to like it but somehow it doesn’t work out between us 🫤

    Thursday October 6, 2022
  • Getting closer to that 365 day-run streak in Headspace

    Wednesday October 5, 2022
  • Batch converting mp4 to m4a in Fish is really easy:

    for i in *.mp4
          set name (basename "$i" .mp4).m4a
          ffmpeg -i "$i"  -vn -acodec copy "$name"
    Sunday October 2, 2022
  • I did my first real weekly review in ages. It took close to two hours but more stuff is clearer now, more next actions, some things delegated. And I am brain dumping all week. I really feel like I am getting back control more and more. #gtd

    Saturday October 1, 2022
  • Was macht denn gmx bitte mit Mails mit einer gpg-Signatur, dass da Leute nicht drauf antworten können ohne erst selber irgendwas mit Krypto eingerichtet zu haben? 🤔

    Friday September 30, 2022
  • Question for the iOS-developers: when I use the “Share Beta-Feedback”-Button in TestFlight, will you get that feedback immediately via mail or how does that work? Is that actually the preferred way for developers to receive beta-feedback or should I ask for another way?

    Friday September 30, 2022
  • Die Lehrerin unterrichtet die deutsche Nationalhymne in der 5. Klasse, weil es ihr wichtig ist und es mal eine Umfrage gab, wie wenige sie können.

    Auf geschichtliche Hintergründe wird kaum eingegangen, auf Fragen wurde auch schon geantwortet: das geht über eine 5. Klasse hinaus…

    Friday September 30, 2022
  • Warum müssen Kinder in der 5. Klasse die deutsche Nationalhymne auswendig lernen? Urks…

    Thursday September 29, 2022
  • Let’s see if I can block this meeting which I think is unnecessary and would be really inconvenient for me…

    Thursday September 29, 2022
  • When I am reading about the US-#ttrpg-scene I am always astonished how much DnD seems to dominate the whole market. My whole life I’ve never experienced that in Germany. Ok, The Dark Eye dominated for quite some time. But most of the time people played so many different games.

    Tuesday September 27, 2022
  • I tried out TextExpander. After thinking about it, I wouldn’t really use it on iOS where it wasn’t that great because auto-correction made it hard to type snippets on the first try. On the Mac I replaced the snippets with KeyboardMaestro-macros which work even better in the end.

    Tuesday September 27, 2022
  • This is probably the most understandable explanation of awk, I’ve seen so far:

    My 1st screen cast: awk program from scratch

    Tuesday September 27, 2022
  • Grippeschutzimpfung ✔️

    Tuesday September 27, 2022
  • Am Wochenende redete ich mit meinen Eltern über so Sachen, die ich mache oder gehört habe in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit. Und da kam immer wieder die Spruch „Das habe wir früher so gemacht“ oder „das hat mein/e Vater/Mutter früher so gemacht“.

    Tuesday September 27, 2022