I searched but couldn’t find anything - is there a decent self-hostable solution for a collaborative whiteboard? It should support importing graphics (tokens), so that I can use it as a simple virtual tabletop.
Waste from one bitcoin transaction ‘like binning two iPhones’ - Bitcoin - The Guardian
As a result, we estimate that the whole bitcoin network currently cycles through 30.7 metric kilotons of equipment per year
Es gibt eine Petition zur Abschaffung der Maskenpflicht an Berliner Grundschulen. Wo ist die Gegenpetition, damit das erstmal nicht auf einmal aufgehoben wird?
I got myself Mutants and Masterminds today. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any material translated to German. It might be a more interesting #ttrpg for my kids than a Fantasy-game like DnD.
Oh and with thinking more about orgmode, suddenly I see (neo)mutt coming up in my mind again (emacs never worked that well for me as an e-mail-client)
FYI: I am in phase 2 of my never ending cycle of productivity systems - orgmode becomes more charming every day. Using the Bulletjournal now for a bit more than 2 months…
Der Film “Asterix der Gallier” ist 50+ Jahre alt (die deutsche Synchronfassung ist von 1971). 😮
I am not really happy with any of the Cyberpunk-like TTRPGs out there. The only solution would be to create my own. But how do I find the time?
My USB-C-ethernet-adapter-problem from yesterday (still happening) only materializes with an AVM Repeater 2400. A linux-machine still works fine. I wrote now the support from Anker and AVM expecting nothing to be honest.
My USB-C-ethernet-adapter-problem from yesterday (still happening) only materializes with an AVM Repeater 2400. A linux-machine still works fine. I wrote now the support from Anker and AVM expecting nothing to be honest.
The support from Anker just tells me that I shouldn’t “daisy chain” a usb-c-ethernet-adapter to the usb-c-port because it is a dataport. Ehm….so the usb-c-ethernet-adapter is a actually a thunderbolt-ethernet-adapter and might be capable of 10GBit?
WLAN-whoes and an Anker USB-C-adapter
One of the more weirder network-problems I just debugged: I have a USB-C-dock and the dock has a USB-C-port to which an Anker-USB-C-ethernet-adapter is connected.
When the laptop disconnects, the adapter has still power because of the dock and creates some kind of traffic and does something to the switch to which it is connected. Because after a short while the WLAN in the room breaks together. You can still connect to the WLAN but you won’t get an IP-address and even assigning manually one, won’t help. Now I am really curious what happens there. Unfortunately it is a managed switch. But maybe a tcpdump of a device connected to switch might still bring some light into the dark.
Could someone please burn down all mail-servers belonging to Microsoft. I would be grateful.
And no I don’t mean it literally. If I should ever create a really really successful mail-service, MS-servers will receive their own status code that includes a 🖕
Wenn die SPD auch nur in irgendeinem Bundesland mit CDU und FDP koaliert, kann sie sich das S aus dem Namen streichen wie die CDU das C.
The Linux-topic on Twitter mainly washes Tweets into my timeline how much better Linux is than other OS or how much Windows or macOS suck. What is the value of the “topic” then? If I would get information about new developments or new awesome software it would be useful…
I forgot how to solve a Rubik’s cube and I have problems getting the last layer correct. This is so frustrating.
Since when is Quicksilver alive again? #macos
I just realized I just started the cycle again. Went from OmniFocus to Bulletjournal (ca 2 months now). Found a use case for orgmode. Switched my org-files to git(WebDAV not usable for me). Soon I will try to use org for everything. Will be annoyed. Switch over to OF again. Meh.
CDU-Wahlspruch: „Unser Klima. Unsere Verantwortung.“
Jep. Ihr seid mit verantwortlich für den Stand heutzutage werte CDU. Ich weiß ja nicht, ob das wirklich Werbung für eure Kandidaten ist.
I ♥️ my new Anne Pro 2. And its features are great. I miss nothing even though it is a 60%.
Typing on it feels even better than on my Kineses Freesyle Edge and that costs more than 3 times as much (but is ergonomic…). Now I will have a great keyboard at home and in the office 😃
I just bought my second mechanical keyboard so that I have one in the office. I apparently cannot work anymore with those thin keyboards but need real switches. Before anyone asks: it is an Anne Pro 2 I wanted a 60% and it is cheaper than a Ducky Mini - and it is Bluetooth.
„Dubai is coping with its 125-degree heat by using laser-beam-shooting drones to shock rainwater out of clouds“
3x3 Basketball is an Olympic discipline? Oo
I like that there seem to be a lot of mixed competitions.
Hat eigentlich schon mal irgendjemand eine Benachrichtigung über das Funkzellentransparenzsystem in #Berlin bekommen? Ich bin seit Ende 2018 angemeldet und bis jetzt kam nie was. #FTS
Why should I use envoy over haproxy? Or should it be relayd? I do not only want to load balance http but also other protocols. #linux #openbsd #loadbalancer