Retten feste Partnerschaften alleinstehende Mütter vor der Armut?
Retten Hochzeiten alleinstehende Mütter vor der Armut?
Es ist zwar ein Artikel über Zahlen aus den USA, aber ich fände es interessant, ob es in Deutschland ähnlich aussieht. Ich vermute mal, dass ja.
"But lower-income groups are significantly more likely to say having a job is more important for marriage," Karney says. "Having money in the bank is more important for marriage. And the problems that they have are not relational problems, they're economic problems."
"In many low-income communities, there are not many men like that (who earn a good wage) available," she says. "Poverty is as often a cause of unwed motherhood as it is a result."
Thursday September 13, 2012