• micro



    I really like the Cherry Casino. Unfortunately I have only one deck and black is expensive. There is now one with a green back. Still thinking if I get me a deck or two

    Saturday February 16, 2019
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    Apparently every magician who is doing video-tutorials that you can only buy, tells in interviews how you have to stay away from YouTube because every tutorial there is crap anyways.

    Monday February 11, 2019
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    Now I need to integrate Mail better with org-mode. But mu4e isn’t as good as I remember, I don’t like the notmuch-interface and the perl-script I found for capturing from mutt with .org-capture does not work for me :/

    Saturday February 9, 2019
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    After using Todoist for a while again, I am back to org-mode in spacemacs. With beorg and Working Copy I can sync with git with iOS. I also get more into using it as a note-taking app.

    Saturday February 9, 2019
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    Uuh…HumbleBundle has a Spawn Comic Bundle. One of my favorite series. Transmetropolitan next please.

    Wednesday February 6, 2019
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    @help can we get the new category-feature for self-hosted Wordpress-blogs as well please :)

    Wednesday February 6, 2019
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    Every time I see a Japanese text I am astonished how much I still know. Oo

    Wednesday January 23, 2019
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    Vollblut-Nazi, das werde ich ja wohl noch sagen dürfen, ist Spitzenkandidat bei der AfD Brandenburg für die Landtagswahl. https://m.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/brandenburg-rechtsaussen-kalbitz-fuehrt-afd-in-die-landtagswahl/23834136.html

    Tuesday January 8, 2019
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    My right arm hurts for a couple of days now. I think it comes from exercises in throwing cards. The little one really likes it, too ^^

    Thursday January 3, 2019
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    Warum wird bei Bibi Blocksberg und Benjamin Blümchen die Schule und Lehrer in der Regel so schlecht dargestellt? Das ist der richtige Weg den Kindern Freude auf die Schule zu machen.

    Thursday January 3, 2019
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    Mal abgesehen davon, dass sich „Digitales & KI“ anhört wie „los, los, die Newsletter brauchen immer zwei Wörter. Was passt zu Digitales?“ „Hm, KI. Da spricht doch gerade jeder drüber.“ Was kommt als nächstes? „Mobilität & Elektroautos“?

    Wednesday January 2, 2019
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    Der Tagesspiegel hat jetzt anscheinend Newsletter zum Thema „Klima & Energie“ und „Digitales & KI“ (hä?) Die AGB sind die einer Papierzeitung. Kündigsfrist: „6 Wochen zum Ende des Bezugsjahres“ Mal schauen was sie auf meine Mail zum Thema antworten

    Wednesday January 2, 2019
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    A Christmas movie evening I would enjoy:

    • Home Alone
    • Life of Brian
    • Die Hard
    Monday December 24, 2018
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    “A family productivity system is just what you need to get organized.”

    Who comes up with such sentences? Source: https://blog.doist.com/using-todoist-with-your-family-e94862dce94

    Sunday December 23, 2018
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    Shin Lim released the morphing card trick he used in the AGT finale. It is $159 and you get apparently 1 single card. 😮 I hope it doesn’t break fast. www.shinlimmagic.com/shop/kada…

    Sunday December 16, 2018
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    All-Access rockrolls me. I click on the „Wake up before you go go“-morning-playlist and the first song is this

    Monday December 10, 2018
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    Plesk: when the group psacln can write into your document root, it will put in there all “missing” template files when you change any settings of the domain. Oh and Plesk isn’t considering this as a bug because that group shouldn’t be able to write in there anyways m)

    Sunday December 9, 2018
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    Today’s horror sighting: PHP 5.2.17 in production use on public websites. Its EOL-date was ca. 8 years ago…

    Friday December 7, 2018
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    I hate Plesk

    Wednesday December 5, 2018
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    Oh, I just watched a gimmick presentation on YouTube, and noticed that at one step he just used a criss cross force because he messed up the trick. I am getting better. But I need to train routines and do some stuff in front of audiences #magic

    Tuesday December 4, 2018
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    I am speechless: Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: ‘Is curing patients a sustainable business model?’ https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html

    Sunday December 2, 2018
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    Habe meine erste IFG-Anfrage auf fragdenstaat.de gestellt zur Kostenhöhe von der Plakataktion (und Website) von returningfromgermany.de Die Aktion ist mal wirklich schlimm und die Plakate bestärken mich im Wunsch mach einer werbefreien Stadt.

    Monday November 26, 2018
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    Wichtige Nummer für Berliner: 0178 5235838 Das ist die Telefonnumer vom Kältebus. Einspeichern und anrufen, wenn ihr jemanden zwischen 21 Uhr und 3 Uhr in Not seht.

    Monday November 19, 2018
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    I found this on reddit about a group of pathfinder-players. It is actually pretty awesome: “Help my players are drug dealers” https://reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/9xyg8d/help_my_player_are_drug_dealers/

    Sunday November 18, 2018
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    I noticed that for quite some time I didn’t use any micro-blogging site and just the micro.blog-client to post. Reddit keeps me covered for my net-entertainment currently and home and the popular feed refresh rarely enough that I „need“ to use it far less than twitter or mastodon

    Sunday November 18, 2018