The #Gamergaters have a new hashtag: #IstandwithLinus. As everyone knows who read stuff from conferences or mailing lists where Torvalds speaks or writes, he seems too be a pretty big asshole. He created the Linux Kernel and for this I am grateful. It is an awesome project and helped to get free software a huge momentum.

But that does not justify that he is an asshole.

#IstandwithLinus apparently found its way onto Twitter because Torvalds explained that he does not really care about diversity and people once again called him out on it. And thus the #Gamergaters had found a new hashtag. And oh wonder, it is again about trashing women and trying to find ways to fight people who think we left the 50s and 60s behind us and not about ethics in game journalism. And they do it with the same means: they dox people, they threaten people and try to get to them in the meatspace. Just read the twitter-timeline of @Shanley.

The sad thing people like Torvalds or RMS[footnote]Richard Ms. Stallman[/footnote] probably do not care about it, so they won’t speak about it. I wonder if at least organizations like the Linux Foundation or the FSF will speak out or some other big FS/OSS-projects. Otherwise it is once again just a sad example how broken the open source-community is. Diversity is important and not being an asshole in social matters is important as well. It is astounding that people still develop for the Kernel while the project leader is just uncouth.

Who wants to know about why diversity is important, I can recommend this presentation by Lena Reinhard:

If you like Linux and free software you shouldn’t use the hashtag #IstandwithLinus. It just is another synonym for #Ihatewomen. You are hurting the whole project more than you do good. Actually you are doing no good at all, you just hurt Linux.
