vimfest 2016
This weekend the vimfest happened in Berlin. A small and nice event about vim, my favorite editor. I attended only saturday because of time constraints. There were some presentations and a couple of flash talks. The highlights were a talk by Justin Keyes, the maintainer of neovim about it and a talk by Bram Moolenaar, the creator of vim, about the new stuff introduced in vim 8.
Both were very interesting. The most interesting “feature” of neovim is that it is not as centralized around one developer like vim is. There was an interview with Bram which asked him
How can the community ensure that the Vim project succeeds for the foreseeable future?
And his answer was:
Keep me alive.
neovim does have a central maintainer but there are more people with an intimate knowledge of the code and more people with commit-privileges. Thus it is not as dependent on a single person as vim is. The next interesting feature is that it tries to be very embedabble. Therefore it is easy to create a gui for it etc.
The new features in vim 8 seem to be more relevant to plugin-developers. But the new features for asynchronosity and communication might enable interesting stuff in vim. It also might have now better defaults. The discussions in the Q&A were very interesting as well.
Besides that I learned about a couple of new plug-ins and software:
vim-bbye: a plug-in for vim that allows you to delete a buffer without closing a window tagbar: a plug-in which generates a window with a list of tags. For me that means that I can easily navigate in structured text tig: a neat CLI-interface for git asciidoc: a markup-language that might fulfill my needs better than markdown. Especially since I have to do some conversions currently to epub and mobi where it will be part of my toolchain, while I used markdown for that in the past.
I did a short presentation of newsbeuter. A CLI-RSS-feed reader that wants to be the mutt of RSS. It is a nice piece of software that I used a lot before I switched to newsblur[footnote]And I just rarely use it for newsblur because the sync is so slow[/footnote].
And I learned that splitting up your .vimrc makes it far more readable and easier to configure.
If you are a vim-user, I can really recommend that you go to vimfest 2017 next year.
Monday September 19, 2016