• micro

    Wait, what? The plan for putting up Kanye West is to siphone away young black votes from Biden? The GOP tries really everything, doesn’t they?


    Friday August 21, 2020
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    Our studies in Japanese Science have finally a purpose đŸ€Ł #lastpost

    Wednesday August 19, 2020
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    The big one has now English classes in school. My wife suddenly switched to Japanese to talk with me about the kids 😂

    Wednesday August 19, 2020
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    YouTube empfiehlt mir ein Video aus RT Deutsch. WTF?

    Tuesday August 18, 2020
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    Menschen, die ĂŒber “Lifestyleaktivisten” wettern, dass das alles nichts bringt, stellen sich auf eine Ă€hnliche Stufe wie Menschen, die gegen “Gutmenschen” wettern. Und das nur, weil sie eigentlich keinen Bock haben, etwas am eigenen Lebensstil zu Ă€ndern. #showerthought

    Saturday August 15, 2020
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    I understand how it works with non-physical goods like PDFs. Just because I add another chapter from another author or more art, means only that I have a one-time cost which I can afford because more people buy the product but production cost per unit scales perfectly

    Wednesday August 12, 2020
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    I always wonder how the financial maths of physical stretch goals in an rpg-Kickstarter work. I still have the base cost of producing the physical goods which increases with the stretch goals. Does it decrease in the same manner just because of scale?

    Wednesday August 12, 2020
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    I am too stupid to follow tutorials about solving a Rubik’s cube :(

    Wednesday August 12, 2020
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    Ich habe gestern diesen AufnÀher bekommen (mit Klett). Ich muss scharf nachdenken, wo ich den draufmache.

    Saturday August 8, 2020
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    Since I recently bought Alien: The RPG because it won an Ennie, I am now re-watching the first movie. That movie is a masterpiece. And I have the feeling that this game will be really hard to run. #ttrpg

    Thursday August 6, 2020
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    Vielleicht hat hier ja jemand eine Ahnung: wie sehr unterscheiden sich die Deutsche, Österreichische und die Schweizer-Deutsche GebĂ€rdensprache? Ich wusste, dass es keine vereinigte gibt, aber das selbst drei deutschsprachige LĂ€nder unterschiedliche haben, ĂŒberrascht mich.

    Thursday August 6, 2020
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    Apple hat es nötig. Die geben die 3% MwSt.-Senkung nicht weiter.

    Thursday August 6, 2020
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    The more I think about #DND the less I like it. So many more good systems out there and I am stuck with it. Or I have to see how I can play more, so that I can have another group without DND

    Wednesday August 5, 2020
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    I hate my meds

    Wednesday August 5, 2020
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    In #shadowrun for example this was always quite interesting. In most editions iirc physical combat spells originated at your point of location and flew to the target. Thus a window blocked the spell. In other editions the spell materialized at the target - windows were no problem

    Wednesday August 5, 2020
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    Realism in #ttrpg: yes, there might be magic and there might be everything available you can imagine. But I think it needs to be realistic in terms of the world. Thus I am a great fan of a fleshed out magic theory, so that I know if something is feasible or not or at what cost.

    Wednesday August 5, 2020
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    A Trump-interview might get high ratings but the main reason is probably that it is like a car crash where you can’t look away.

    Tuesday August 4, 2020
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    “The world is a very angry place”. This is a sentence said by the President of the United States. In an interview. And it was not when speaking with a pre-school-kid.

    Tuesday August 4, 2020
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    I am watching the Trump-interview from HBO that got released on YT a couple of hours ago. My condolences to all the journalists and political analysts who have to watch all of his interviews and briefings as part of their job.

    Tuesday August 4, 2020
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    Dieser ganze Event regt mich einfach nur auf. Und dass die Polizei die so laufen lĂ€sst, geht mal gar nicht klar auch wenn es unter freiem Himmel ist. Ich wĂŒnsche niemandem schlechtes, aber ich muss mich hier wirklich zusammenreißen denen nichts schlechtes zu wĂŒnschen.

    Saturday August 1, 2020
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    â€ȘDas sind keine Covidioten. Das sind ganz einfach anti-soziale egoistische Arschlöcher die sich selbst am nĂ€chsten sind. Mal abgesehen davon ist “Tag der Freiheit” ein Riefenstahl-Film. Damit sollte jedem dort klar sein, dass er unter Nazi-Flagge lĂ€uft.‬

    Saturday August 1, 2020
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    Either I wasn’t that self-critical in the past or my qualities as a game Master stink these days. I am not really satisfied with the way I run games. The players said that it was fun but I could have done far better. My NPC-work really really sucks these days :/ #ttrpg

    Thursday July 30, 2020
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    Oh, and the t-shirt of the day which leads to people around to want to eat sushi

    Thursday July 30, 2020
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    No beard anymore and a new haircut

    Thursday July 30, 2020
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    Me with a fantasy-rpg: What to do? Why should a group of people stumble from one adventure to another? Me with a Cyberpunk-game: I have a city, I have corps, I have criminal organizations, I have suffering and misery: soooo much to do for the players, let’s start the missions

    Wednesday July 29, 2020